Monday, May 3, 2010

Companies producing Hybrid Cars

The companies producing Hybrid cars are:
2.General Motors

Advantages of Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars carry with tnem a bundle of advantages.
1. Hybrid combines clean energy of the electrical motor with the power off the gas powered engine which results into lower emissions and better mileage.
2. Fotunately the ever improving technology hybrid performs at par with the normal Gasoline powered vehicles.
3.Hybrids are reliable and comfortable as any traditional car and they have a tax benefits.
4. There are purchase incentives for hybrid vehicle owners ( incentives may vary by state)
5. Hybrids are much cleaner cars then normal vehicles with lesser carbon monoxide and other green house gas emiisions.
6.Hybrid cars provide better mileage then the traditional cars.
7.The future for hybrid car looks bright with rapid developments in hybrid technology to improve the engine efficiency of the car.
8.Due to the regeerative breaking technolgy, the batteries need not be charged by an external source.
9.Special warranties are provided for the battery pack,the electric motor and other costly items installed in the car.
10.Hybrids help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which directly affects fuel prices.

How does a Hybrid Car work

Hybrids use both a gas engine and electric motors instead of relying solely on a gasoline internal combustion engine.The energy used by the electric motors are stored in rechargable batteries.The ability to partially use electricity as a means of fuel esulting in less gasoline consumption. The elctricity of the batteries replaces the gasoline for the cars.The computer system on a hybrid makes the decision about which energy source to use at different times, based on maximizing efficiency while providing the same level of safety and comfort as conventional cars.

Types of Hybrid Cars

There are two types of Gasoline-Electric Hybrid cars: The parallel and the series hybrid. In a parallel hybrid car, there is a gasoline engine and an elctric motor work together to move the car forward. Parallel means the electric motor and gasoline engine work in syncronization with each other simultaneously.However, in the series hybrid the gasoline engine either directly supplies power to the electric motor for the vehicle to run or charges batteries that will power the motor.

What are Hybrid Cars

Hybrid Cars were invented by Ferdinand Porche in 1899. Hybrid cars use gasoline like any other car. However,they have a bettery that takes over when the car doen not need to be powered by gas. Hybrid cars can run for fourty to fifty miles per hour.It saves fuel by using electricity to run. But the making of those batteries uses up about the same amount of energy and coal as gasoline.